Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Tattoo Hate..

Recently I was scrolling through my Facebook news feed when I came across an angry Facebook user post.

I click on the page the post was linked to and was shocked.

The Facebook page was called Tattoo Free (And Happy).

While scrolling through her page I read her various hate posts against those who have tattoos.

It was vulgar and narrow-minded, her page description says "Simple fact is: Tattoos are horrible, tattooed people are criminals and tattooist are disease spreading degenerates. All inky-stinkys should be jailed."

Although I do not have any tattoos I was offended, my dad is a tattoo artist . She was being very ignorant and she has other posts that put down the tattooed community.

Not every person with tattoos are bad, and no one has the right to judge someone without knowing their story.

I know many successful people with tattoos, visible or not. It was their choice and it should be respected.

I'm getting tired of seeing all this hate all over the place, and I feel as though it is getting worse....

Monday, August 18, 2014

Foster's summer finale

I don't remember if I said this before but, I am not a girly show type person....

But the Foster's is my isshhh. Lol

I just watched the summer finale and all the things I expected to happen happened!

Spoiler Alert!

I never like Callie's half sister since the beginning, she seemed like the spoiled type to hold her breathe if she didn't get what she wanted..

I believe when she went into the bathroom at the ending scene, that she'll either cut herself or try to commit suicide.. I know it's a little extreme but remember this girl ripped up the papers that sign Callie away. Bitch is crazy!

I also had a feeling Jude will come out with his friend.. They did something they weren't supposed to, which we all saw coming.

What I didn't see coming is Lena saying peace out to her position as Assistant Principal at the school. Wasn't it a private or charter school? Doesn't that mean the kids may have to leave?

Anyway also Jesus needs to break up with that Haley girl, she's an attention craving girl.. I didn't like Emma either. I liked the first girl he started going out with, Marianna's friend...

Sorry if I am misspelling all the names..

Oh and Callie and Brandon kissing... To be honest I don't like them together as a couple.. I like Wyatt with Callie, and that other girl with Brandon.

But I cannot wait to see the next season and all that it has to offer.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Mike Brown petition

I agree with the person who started this petition.

Police officers should wear cameras on their uniform so we can see what is going on when they do their routine traffic stops, raids, etc.

With video evidence constantly on police officers I believe the police brutality will lessen and more people can see what really happened instead of assuming.

Please sign and spread the word for Michael Brown.


Monday, August 11, 2014

RIP Michael Brown

Also while watching and reading up on the news, I ran into this Michael Brown story

In a nutshell, Michael Brown (unarmed) was shot multiple times by a police officer in Ferguson, Missouri and died from it.

I don't like cops as much as the next person and things like this are sickening. From the stories and things the witnesses say, that young man did not deserve to get shot. He put his hands up to the officer, showing he is giving up... He didn't deserve to die like that.

I believe everyone has the right to use their weapon ONLY when they're life is threatened. (Stand your ground)

But another thing that gets me is the public reaction to what happened..

Is all the violence and looting really necessary? I bet if I get shot tomorrow, no one will react to my death to that extreme. All the looting and violence cannot bring Michael Brown back!

The violence doesn't help the situation. Instead of coming together as a community and supporting the family in peaceful protests and preventing further unnecessary violence, people do dumb shit like this. (Excuse my french)

This does nothing but hurt more people and cause more unnecessary shootings and injuries.. Think people..

Robin Williams July 21, 1951 - August 11, 2014

While watching the news today, a very depressing story came on.

Headlines read Robin Williams, dead at 63..

My heart dropped at the thought of this wonderful comedian and actor passing.

To me all his work had an effect in my life so it really saddens me to hear this news.

I remember wishing I can meet him within my lifetime, but unfortunately that can no longer happen.

I remember watching Mrs. Doubtfire and it gave me hope and kept me happy when my parents were going through marital problems.

I remember during that dark time when I would watch that movie with my dad, he told me he would do the same thing Robin Williams did in the movie. Which at the time made me feel happy that my dad would do what Robin Williams would do.

I remember at one point in time Jumanji was my favorite movie, I had the VHS cassette of the movie and I would watch it over and over. I loved the movie and I loved seeing Robin Williams act like a hero in the movie.

I remember watching Aladdin so much when I was younger. Robin Williams voiced Genie in the movie and that movie gave me hope for love and romantic ideals. It is still one of my favorite Disney movies, I can still recite lines and sing-a-long with the songs.

I also remember watching Dead Poet Society and how it made me open up to the idea of Carpe Diem...

I remember watching Hook (my favorite childhood story was Peter Pan) and it made me love and appreciate my father as a hero. Robin Williams played a father going to rescue his children, something that made me feel happy in a dark time...

There are many other movies that Williams did that I love but these are my favorites...

You will be missed Robin Willaims...

"All my love to you poppet, you're going to be alright... bye-bye"

Thursday, April 3, 2014


The other day I was bored enough to watch the movie Downfall. The movie was about the final days of Adolf Hitler and those that were around him before his death. The story is mainly focused on Hitler's secretary, and what she saw during the time in Adolf Hitler's bunker. I found the story interesting. I actually liked the movie and it made me feel pity for Hitler in his final days when he knew he was going to lose. I am saying I pity him, not supporting him; just making that clear. In the movie, the saddest scene to me was when this woman decided to kill her children when she realized Hitler was going to lose, she didn't want them living in a world without national socialism, or Nazism. She gave all her children medicine that would make them fall asleep, once they were asleep she put cyanide capsules into their mouth and closed their mouths causing it to break and kill them. I thought it was very sad, I wouldn't be able to kill my own kids... But eventually she and her husband killed herself as well. I believe the woman who killed her children was Eva Braun's sister, thus making her Hitler's sister in law. At the end of the movie, it switches to a present day interview with Hitler's secretary claiming she knew nothing about the concentration camps, and if she did she wouldn't have been his secretary.. I recommend this movie to those who like watching historical drama themed movies.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Nail Art

I never really showed off my skills, but here's one of them.

At home I have a crap load of nail polish that is dying to be used. So I decided one day it would be cool to show off my culture/heritage by nail art. I am a big mix of everything.. The list to too long to say. But I have the patience to do flags on my own nails. The image below was my first attempt at flag nail art. The Flag on my middle finger is the Trinidad flag, which is where my father was born and raised and where his parents were born and raised. The Flag on my thumb is the Panamanian Flag, which is where my mother and her parents and her grandparents were born and raised. 

This photo is more of my recent attempts of flag nail art. 
As you can see there are the Trinidad and Panama Flag. But there's more background to me besides that. My pinkie has the Scottish Flag. My pointer finger is the Portuguese Flag, well my attempt of it anyway. And on my thumb is England's flag. That flag was the most difficult of them all. I had to have so much patience and a thin hair pin to finish it up. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

The Fosters

I do not normally get into the whole chick type soap operas or cheesy girly shows on ABC Family, but the Fosters are a different story. I am always watching it every Monday night. It is obviously about a Foster family but the story line is so interesting and there are constants twists and juicy drama.. The plot and everything is so hard to explain because a lot happens that I cannot summarize so I'll just post a wikipedia link or something to summarize it for me. Great show though, highly recommend it


But anyway I like how modern it is. How they incorporate the gay community and the other ethnicity groups in the mix.. It shows that they do not discriminate.. I can't wait until next Monday to watch it as well

Long Time no see

I know its been a while, but I've been busy with school and work...

Let's see what is new...

Walking Dead came back on and I've been keeping up on that at least.
Before the season came back, the jail was ambushed by the governor and his new group. Many died and almost everyone in our main group lived. I do have to say now that I am extremely happy that baby Judith didn't die, it would have been too morbid to make it really seem as though she did...Even though in the comic book she did with her mother... But anyway the season came back with Maggie separated from Glen, Glen found a new group, Rick and Carl were on their own until Michonne found them, Tyreese with the two little girls, Judith and the one and only Carol, Daryl and Beth are also together.. And they all seem to be heading to some safe zone... Maybe it'll be a good place for them to live... NOT. Something is gonna go south and we all know it. No one really gets a happily ever after in a zombie apocalypse. I just want the group to get back together. So they can travel as a pack to.... to do something.. I just want Judith to be with her Dad and brother... Or step-dad and half brother... I am looking forward to next Sunday to see how Daryl and Beth are doing because I know Beth definitely toughened up since her suicide watch on that farm.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rocky Horror Picture Show

Boy, was I bored yesterday night.. I , for the first time ever, watched the Rocky Horror Picture Show.. It was a very unique take on the story Frankenstein.. Where as Dr. Frankenstein is a bisexual transvestite and the monster is a sexy blonde monster.. I am not going to lie, I did not recognize Tim Curry in drag, he looked pretty good. He wasn't so bad looking in his youth, minus the drag makeup. I did not like the acting though. It was stiff to me. But again I liked the musical numbers.

Psych Season 8 primere

Last night all you Psych fans were probably fan-girling in front of your television sets. Last night our favorite psychic detectives started their 8th season on television. There are new effects being used to show emphasis on what Shawn sees and when there is a fight scene. I personally liked the newest episode that showed last night but I will not go into details and spoil the episode for someone else.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

RIP Uncle Phil

I think almost everybody has seen at least one Fresh Prince Episode within their lifetime, unless they live in a third world country.. Well apparently on New Years Eve, the actor James Avery who played Uncle Phil passed away. I know I'm a few days late at posting something for him but I've been preoccupied. My prayers go out to the Avery family and I give my condolences for their loss. I always thought he was a good actor to portray Uncle Phil. He will be missed.